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Do I overstate? I don’t think so. By stepping down from the highest seat of power in the world, Joe Biden has shown the greatness of his character and the depth of his faith. It is well known that he prays and worships. His faith has sustained him through tragic losses and heart-breaking disappointments. Against overwhelming criticism, he meant to prove the steadfastness of his calling as President of the United States by holding on…and on…and on. UNTIL. The clearer call to sacrifice came through to him. Like Abraham (yes, Abraham) lifting the knife, he kept listening to his supreme Guide. Then, in a decision made seemingly in a moment, he laid down his power, and just as importantly, handed it off in a convincing way to his immediate disciple. No waffling. The tsunami of enthusiasm currently filling the reports and the polls and the coffers of politics will soon abate. Kamala Harris will wake up to critics and doubters. Yet through the shadows–whether or not she has faith of her own (religious or otherwise)–she will be sustained by the faith of Joe Biden. In the blink of an eye, Joe Biden rose up from the appearance of feeble old man to heroic statesman and immortal human being as history records itself. I write these thoughts in the midst of my own elation, realizing that days ahead will bring tribulations as never before in American politics. Nevertheless, the faith and courage of Joe Biden shine a beacon of hope to light the way.

Let all eyes be opened.


July 23, 2024


  1. I’ve been told that poets are prophets. Only a poet could have seen so clearly and written so well about President Biden’s decision. Thank you!

  2. I think that this move will certainly enhance President Biden’s legacy. Go Kamela!

  3. Said perfectly and captures the profundity of Biden’s decision. Go Kamala!

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