A friend writes… “It’s hard to believe that God has any idea what is going on on this planet….”
John, now that you mention it…I think it’s most likely God does have an idea what’s going on on this planet. After all, this Earth is only a small (though pretty important to us!) part of God’s beloved creation. Creation itself goes on and on beyond our imagination. That’s what God does. Or IS.
Wildfires, floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, contagious diseases, asteroids, animal extinctions–all these happenings occur beyond human control. (Even if you’re a devoted environmentalist!) Indeed, God may have better ideas coming along after the kind of people we are. Maybe it’s AI? We always talk about “life as we know it” on other planets. Well, what about life as we don’t know it on this one?
Looking at the Big Picture, a worldwide human die-off seems almost inevitable–like the dinosaurs. I’ll be gone soon enough: a presence too tiny to matter–except for my faith while I’m alive. At the moment, my responsibility is to work for justice and mercy close to home. Love God. Love people. Shine a little light.
I know you will, too.