I never saw a hummingbird until I started going to the beach at Pawley’s Island. The proprietor of the rooming house where we stayed had a feeder near the porch where we sat rocking of an afternoon. I realized then that hummingbirds were not really the rara avis I had thought. They are pretty much everywhere, as it turns out.
When we go to the island in the summer, we hang up the hummingbird feeder right away, and right away, hummingbirds zero in on it. Usually there are four or five battling for ownership. The same thing happens in our backyard at home.
Hummingbirds provide endless little lessons in living. Here’s one:
Three hummingbirds refuse to share,
though on the feeder hanging there
four equal plastic perches flaunt
the sweet these three extremely want.
With rapier beaks and threatening thrums,
en garde in case another comes,
they thrust and feint with vicious skill
to have it all, or no bird will.
For hours, the airborne battle spins
in warfare no one ever wins,
and meanwhile sips the humble bee
the bounty given all for free.
Barbara Loots