Skip this if you’re not the least bit curious about how to get thin(ner) and fit(ter) and live to a healthy(er) old age. I’m already there–old age that is–and this is my story.
Chubby as a child, I’ve fought the battle of fat accumulation for most of my life. I’ve tried a lot of “diets.” They all work. Until I quit them. My challenge: how do I find a way of eating I can live with contentedly that helps me maintain a healthy weight forever? For my Final Answer, go to the link for Diet Doctor at the right.
For the record, my highest weight ever was close to 200 lbs. For a 5’3″ gal, that’s a lot to lug around. To achieve this impressive size, I said “to hell with it” and followed the Fast Food Diet: Mickey D’s drive-thru for breakfast, pizza for lunch, and Captain Seafood for dinner (it’s fish, right??) Waking up to my best interests in the year of my 50th birthday, I turned it around. Twenty years later, I’m pretty much on a steady course.
Controlled eating takes discipline. But nothing like the discipline required to perform deliberate acts for the purpose of maintaining healthy heart and lungs, muscles and bones, joints and neurons. That would be called (groan-n-n-n) exercise. Over the years, I’ve picked activities I actually enjoy: jogging, home exercise videos, gym classes, ice skating lessons, yoga, walking. I like my exercise convenient and, for the most part, solitary.
Note: The key to both of these disciplines–eating and exercise–is enjoyment. NOBODY sticks with a plan or a purpose in which they find no joy. Some days, I freely admit, are more joyful than others. I didn’t say this is a piece of cake, if you’ll pardon the expression.

Where’s the poetry for this entry? Shouldn’t there be at least some light verse?